Automotive manufacturers around the world are investing heavily in the transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles. In order to grow consumer adoption, the industry is focused on reducing the cost of batteries while optimizing their performance and safety. As manufacturers continue to iterate on material compositions and battery structures, mechanical and electrical testing is key to assessing the performance, safety, and reliability. This testing must be done at all stages of the manufacturing process, from early development to quality control. However, it's not without its challenges. This white paper examines trends in electric vehicle battery manufacturing and discusses the latest solutions being developed to test these batteries safely and efficiently.
By reading this white paper, you will:
- Learn about major trends in the EV industry and how they are affecting testing
- Learn about key risks and challenges faced by Quality Control and R&D departments throughout the EV supply chain
- Learn about solutions to EV testing challenges, including key functional requirements of universal testing machines, required and recommended accessories, and major factors to consider when selecting your system
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